Howdy ny'all

This isn't required to follow, just some info about us!


Here are our major interests that we are really into! Feel free to talk to us or send us things about these and the person that likes that will respond! (If you click the pictures, the link will take you to their Wikipedia pages.)

Minor Interests

Here are our minor interests! We are not very deep into the fandoms of these, but if you talk to us about them, we will respond! (If you click the pictures, the link will take you to their Wikipedia pages.)

General Info

-Miké (If not talking to a specific systemmate)
-Sysmates are 1, 2, 4, 6, and 8
-Eastern Standard Time
-May 30th, 2000 (Gemini)
-C-PTSD, DID, Anxiety, Depression, Misc. Minor Processing Issues


Here is some information about each person! (We prefer the term 'systemmates' which is abbreviated to 'sysmates.')

1 (ONE):
-Gray Ace & Demiromantic
-Has all the Cringy Interests™ and is not afraid to tell people about them.
-Likes animes, mangas, video games, TV shows, you name it.
-They wanted me to put right here that they 'love them some anime tiddies.'
-Constantly yells on social media about anime and loves to hear about new shows

2 (TWO):
-Gray Ace & Sapphic
-Quiet gay who appreciates gardening
-Doesn't use social media except to vent

4 (FOUR):
-Bigender femme
-Loves makeup, clothes, talking, and reality TV shows
-Used to have an aesthetic Twitter but doesn't use it anymore

6 (SIX):
-Genderfluid masc
-Fitness nerd, likes Netflix TV shows and some cartoons, likes talking to people online
-Gay dad friend
-Likes to use social media to talk and post pictures

8 (EIGHT):
-Agender masc
-Current depression activity is cooking subpar meals and avoiding schoolwork
-Likes some animes and mangas, not very into TV shows or games
-The initial creator of the BIOZINES Twitter and likes to be annoying and yell into the void constantly


We don't need anything specific tagged, and if you need something out of the norm to be tagged, please tell us and we will do it!